Gracious K's top 6 tips to getting a second date:
Hi guys I hope everyone is doing good. I wrote a post some time ago
about my top 5 dating tips, and judging by the view count I could tell a
lot of people took interest to it. So I've decided to expand on that
post and give you some more pointers on what learning over the years has
made me believe can get you a second date. Now guys a lot of the time
when I catch up with my female friends they always have some dreadful
experience regarding a first date that they always share. I sit there
and listen carefully and 90% of the times it does seem as though we as
men are continuously making the same mistakes. Mistakes in which I've
made in the past thinking that's the way to go forward
1. Punctuality - A woman likes to know that you can be on time even if
she isn't. If it is a first date try and get to her a bit early to show
her that your keen but don't arrive so early that she's still in her
towel because she will make you wait In the car whilst she calls her
girls and says "he's like an hour early" then you go from keen and ahead
of time to early and in some women's minds thirsty. I say arriving 5-10
minutes ahead of schedule is perfect as she may be a person who is ready
on time or she may be somebody who takes long, but either way once she
speaks to her friends she will definitely bring up the your punctuality.
2. Chivalry isn't dead - Guys do not be afraid to be gentlemen! It will
not make you look soft in fact it will make you seem even more appealing
to her and you will come across grown. Remember to tell her how nice
she looks pull out chairs and open doors. Be smooth with it Definitely
try to he denzel and not Carlton. Women believe that there isn't any
gentlemen left in the world and it is your job to prove them wrong
3. No sex talk - Fellas as hard as this may be for you, stay away from
it even if she initiates it. Don't interrupt a lovely evening by being
hungry and asking what's your favourite position, because 9/10 times it
will result in you possibly not getting a call back. Some women are
very open and may have this conversation with you but will surely think
your a bit fast and that's never a way to go. Don't use this opportunity
to start saying you do all this and lick and do this n that please relax
with it. Sex talk comes later during the getting to know one another
period. It can happen either before or after sex so there's no rush in
finding out if she is a freak and handcuffs herself to the bed posts ...
Be easy! If she initiates sex talk thenthis is a different case. To possibly increase her interest, you
could attempt to swerve the question. When I say swerve I don't mean
disregard but give an answer that makes her want to find out... "Would
you say your good in bed" you reply with something like "if your lucky
enough to find out I'm sure you won't be disappointed"

4. Don't be tight - Guys basic principal that a lot of women are letting
me know is that if you cannot afford it, then why suggest it. Time and
time again you take a woman out to dinner with a set price in your head
and when she exceeds the budget you start sweating lol. No female wants
to go halves on a first date with you please believe that a lot of
women are traditional in the thinking that the man should pay so even if
she does go halves with you on the bill after stabbing you and
insulting you a thousand times in her mind 9/10 times you won't get a
second date. Find a restaurant in your price rang that you don't mind
stretching the extra bill for the problem comes from trying to go to the
most expensive restaurant but your balance does not account for the
fact that she might have a taste for excessive cocktails lol don't ever
assume she may just want one.

5. Don't ask for petrol money - This may sound stupid to you but I
assure you this is a regular thing. Men lose their minds and ask the
ladies at the end of the night for petrol money. Even if a lady offers
you need to swiftly let her know not to be silly and then play on that
with something like "Petrol money you know, what sort of guys have you
dated in the past" imagine you have a lovely evening and on the way home
you stop at a petrol station fill up then stick you head in the door
and stare at her lol! Just be prepared for the possibility of her not
answering your phone calls

6. End of the night antics - This is probably one of the most important
moves you have to play when trying to get a second date. This could
determine what happens next. Now unless she pulls you in, try to avoid
asking her if you can "come up" after dropping her home, you are a
gentlemen not somebody in need of water lol chat to your little friend
and tell him to relax. Avoid cheesy lines like "are you going to be
alright By yourself, you sure you don't want me to protect you" or any
jazz like that pls this isn't Love actually and them bars more time
receive a "I'm alright but thank you for the offer". If she asks you
to come in then this game changes and you can either go in and do bizzle or
you could flip it on its head and give a response in the region of "I would
love to but I have an early start tomorrow, but thank you for a lovely
evening" then proceed to kiss her on the cheek and keep it moving. Risky
move though, could either turn her on and she bundles you into the crib or
make her call you before you call her or she could think the opposite
and be offended. More time females will like the idea that you wasn't trying to get in
her knickers on the first date