Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Uk Tattoo Wave

First word that comes to mind when you think of tattoos?? ... Creative, stupid, outlandish or maybe just damn right sexy!!!!!

Tattoos began back in 12,000 B.C the Egyptians started the whole tattoo art style and as their empire spread, so did the culture.

Recently, it would seem that the new thing to be is Tatted up ... the likes of american heavy weights such as Lil Wayne, Miss Che Mack and Wiz Khalifa have taken this tattoo game to a whole new level where the simple forearm tattoo on shoulder tatt has been over shadowed by the insane body art which consist of covering yourself head to toe. It seems this has become a new fashion wave these days, where 95% of people i bump into are covered in tattoos showing off their cool and unusual designs ... It's almost become a form of competition as to who can out do one another.

This art form that dates back to Egyptian times, has continued to recreate itself and has now found a home amongst the Uk urban scene. Uk Artists are now involved in the whole tatted up lifestyle with the likes of Chipmunk, Skepta, myself and many more well known figures inking up. Some one would say we are following fashion but I would say well speaking on my personal behalf,  that I simply am a fan of the creativeness and having the power to tell a story with out actually speaking.

I do feel as though some people are taking it way to far and are getting to the stage where their body work is no longer tasteful but hey each to their own i guess

I love tattoos and feel the more the better to be honest but it has to be done in a way that it remains art and you dont look like a rubbish poster ... below are some people who live by the notion Tatted up ... ENJOY


Myself .... Gracious K

R U Feeling It

Definitely feeling Rihanna's look here are you a fan??

Colour Blocking

Recently i've seen a new Trend storm onto my computer screens and across my television ... It seems Colour Blocking has become fairly popular amongst celebrities these days. Colour Blocking is well just that ... its a technique that if pulled off, will have you oozing sex appeal that none other can match. An art form of dressing that focuses on clothing countering one another ( not your typical blue on blue ) yet still find a way to match

here are some Yays and nays to this art form
Swagger on a trillion June Ambrose making it look easy

                                             Definitely A Yes

  Definitely A Yes

Cheryl Cole , Kim Kardashian and Jessica Alba all give the fashion Trend a try and in my personal opinion Jessica Alba wins hands down!!!! Kim tried and failed in my eyes still love her though
Cheryl Cole, Kim Kardashan , Jessica Alba

Erm ill let you decide 
Leona Lewis

Monday, 25 July 2011

Ladies SnapBacking!!!!

Thanks to the the likes of Chris Brown and Tyga Tyga, it would seem that snapbacks are now the new craze amongst this generation. The cool collective 80s style swag that was presented to us by people such as NWA and Kriss Kross, seems to be the must have fashion accessary. We've seen how the fellas get down but have we ever taken the time out to wonder how ladies may fair .... Me for one being a fan of the trend i actually love this look and im all for it, its very trendy , current and i just love the colours.
here are some females repping hard with the snapback swag!!

Welcome ....

Welcome to the wonderful world of Lance Gracious .... Here you may come to find out that all is not what it seems, the real may seem surreal and the unknown will become accessible Enjoy ....